Service Lines recupero crediti a Bergamo

Proactive Credit Management

The service of Proactive Credit Management is performed by a selected team of specialized operators. This resource, perceived by the Costumer as an actual Costumer Care, monitors the time passing from the issue date to the due date of the invoice. In a few words, it can be affirmed that managing the credit in a proactive way offers a quick and high-quality collection.
This service optimizes and improves cash flow managing and solving in advance potential objections to the product/service. Besides, this service allows to intervene on the agency’s investment making it possible to foresee the very same flows; allows the amministrative costs of credit management depletion (thus avoiding recovering procedures in the future); and consolidates commercial relations between the agency and its clients, who perceive this service as an additional service to them dedicated.

Service Lines


Commercial information, inspection and trace.

Service Lines


Credit management with epistolary requests, phone collection and home visits.

Service Lines


Extrajudicial debt collection through four different stages: Letter of Formal Notice, Domicile Verification, notification of Injunctions and Intimations.

Service Lines


With the assistance of national law firms under permanent agreement.

© SERVICE LINES srl - Via V. Ghislandi, 24 - 24125 Bergamo - Tel. 035-226070 - Fax 035-247443 - mail@servicelines.it P.IVA 02268170160 REA 276222 - Cap. Soc. 99.000 € - Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy - Privacy preferences - Crediti: Linoolmostudio